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writing materials 文具。

writing paper

Meanwhile , we have the unique national culture and customs , geography , religion has a lot of written materials to you , let you go to minority compatriots living , and thus detailed aware of the national landscape and traditions of the humanities 同時,我們把各民族獨具特色的人文、風情、地理、宗教等大量文字資料呈現給您,讓您深入到少數民族同胞們的生活中,從而細致的了解到各民族的人文景觀及風土人情。

We consider documents as “ tangible knowledge “ containing ideas , know - how and wisdom , which are invaluable assets underlying within individuals and organizations . their forms vary from written material and printed media to anything that records and transmits information 把存在于個人和組織中的,不能為肉眼所見的“知識”和“智慧”以可見的方式來表現,并加以形式化,這些都屬于我們所定義的文件范疇。

The results shows that distance learners are getting used to written materials instead of web - based courseware ; interaction between students is more than that of students and teachers : the interaction based on technologies is less than that of face - to - face 結果表明,目前遠程學習者更多地習慣于與文字教材而非網絡課件的交互;學習者普與同學的交互多于與教師的交互;基于技術的交互明顯少于面對面交互。

The instructors of this course extend a general acknowledgment to the many students and instructors who have made major contributions to the 6 . 013 course materials over the years , and apologize for any residual errors that may remain in these written materials 這門課的老師向多年來對6 . 013教材有重要貢獻的老師和學生們致謝;并為可能殘留在書面教材中的錯誤致歉。

Many of our predecessors believed that the written material about the theory first appeared in china in 1760 , in which the french jesuit missionary michel benoist presented his kun yu quan tu ( complete map of the world ) to emperor qian long 前人多以為,與哥白尼日心地動說有關的文字材料在中國之最早出現乃1760年法人蔣友仁向乾隆帝獻《坤輿全圖》之時。

Apart from pictures and written materials , the exhibition will also include four thematic booths to exhibit artifacts , scripts , and trophies that mark the careers of kwan tak - hing , chua boon - hean , josephine siao and chow yun - fat 除文字及圖片資料外,更特別開辟四個珍藏專輯,展出關德興蔡文玄蕭芳芳及周潤發的物品劇本獎座等,內容豐富多采。

From our observations and the information i have gathered from the written material , there is only one formal title - the quan yin messenger - between you , the master , and the disciples in your group 但是我們觀察觀音法門這個團體,我在論文資料上所看到的,在無上師您和徒弟之間,似乎只有觀音使者這么一個比較正式的名稱。

Article 68 the parties must hand in written materials and evidence required for arbitration in compliance with the requirements of the arbitration tribunal within the time limit given by the arbitration tribunal 第六十八條當事人應按照仲裁庭的要求和限定的日期提交仲裁所需的書面材料及證據。

Communication problems are certain to occur , including misunderstandings among employees and managers as well as the need to translate verbal and written materials into several languages 溝通問題肯定會發生,包括員工和管理人員之間的誤解,以及把語言和書面材料翻譯成幾種語言的需要。

It composes of flat sheets of hexagons like an honeycomb beehive . it is a black substance which is used in paints , electrical apparatus and for the writing material in the middles of pencils 在石墨中,每個碳原子與另外三個碳原子連接,產生了一層層類似蜂巢的六角形結構。

Please write a 5 - 7 page paper on one of the following . draw on written materials from the class as well as your own observations of the films you will be discussing 請就下列主題擇一撰寫一份5 - 7頁的報告,就所要討論的電影,引用課堂上的書面資料及個人觀點,發揮闡論。

To establish system of presenting foreign teacher ' s classes , check periodically teaching files and assessment of homework , teaching attitude and result and write written material 七、建立外教聽課制度,定期檢查教案和作業批改,教學態度和效果,并寫出書面材料。

In this way , the editorial department prepares copy for the printer and the engraver . news stories and other written material must be copy - read and headlined 編輯部就是以這種方式為印刷工和刻板工準備好副本。新聞故事和其他寫好的材料必須是修改好的并加有標題。

Other factors to be particularly concerned about are the structure of essays and delivery of written material and in particular i would like to mention the question of plagiarism 另一個方面,需要注意的是文章結構和交的寫作材料。我特別想說的是作弊問題。

In all written materials including packaging , letters , memos , press releases , white papers , advertising , slides , video , and other multimedia presentations 在所有書面材料中包括包裝信函備忘錄新聞稿白皮書廣告幻燈片視頻和其他多媒體演示文稿:

Any export dealer who files an application for a license on the internet shall provide the license issuing agency with written materials as stipulated in article 5 凡通過網上申請的,出口經營者在領取證書時,須向發證機構提供第五條規定的書面材料。

But when it comes to routine memos , letters , fact sheets and forms , they save a lot of time by relying on previously written material 但是,如果所要寫的是日常工作的備忘錄、公函、資料匯總和表格的話,他們就會依靠以前寫過的文字資料來節省大量時間。

The purpose of this study was to design writing materials at the high school level and to study its effect on students ' attitude toward mathematics 本研究以新竹地區一所國立高中二年級選修數學組的學生35名為研究對象,進行網絡數學寫作的實驗研究。

From the time of the western han dynasty , the chinese already used paper . this important invention paved the way for other writing materials to emerge 從西漢時候起,中國人就開始使用紙張了。這項重要的發明給其他書寫材料的出現開創了道路。